93 Days of Paddling - Yes, You Can Do It! Ottawa Valley Air Paddle

93 Days of Paddling - Yes, You Can Do It!

How to stay motivated and get on the water every day this summer.

Do you think it's possible to paddle every single day this summer? We sure do! Paddleboarding and kayaking are two of the best ways to reconnect with nature and enjoy a hot summer day. These activities are fairly easy on your body, while still allowing you to experience a decent workout. Going for a paddle every day is a huge accomplishment and we hope that you are up for the challenge! We know that you will feel so refreshed after every paddle and be overjoyed that you are doing it.




The first day of summer officially begins on June 21st, so you have lots of time to start preparing for the season. Start by writing down your paddling goals, mapping out some routes and talking to friends to find a paddling buddy who is just as adventurous as you! Once you actually begin your paddling adventure, be sure to document every day you get out and where you went. You can do this by writing it down in your journal, or taking photos of every paddle. This way, you will have wonderful memories to look back on at the end of the paddling season. 


Ready to get inspired for 93 days of paddling?
Read on for tips on how to stay motivated every single day





It is a good idea to set a loose schedule for yourself to help you stay motivated. Set a time that works best in your calendar to go paddling. If it helps, you can even set an alarm on your phone to remind you that it’s paddle time. Of course, if you work during the week, your paddling time might be a little different than your schedule on the weekend. We find that getting out first thing in the morning is a great idea to start your day off with a refreshing workout outside. If this doesn’t work for you, then perhaps an evening sunset paddle would work better. Try a few different times of day to find what suits you best.



Paddling is so much more fun when you don’t have to do it alone. Finding a friend, family member or spouse is a great way to keep you motivated and stay eager to hit the water. Not only will this keep you in touch with nature and the outdoors, but it will also strengthen your relationship with your paddle buddy. Some of the best conversations happen within the peace and tranquillity of the water and nature. Perhaps none of your friends or family members are interested in paddling, that’s no problem. You can find a paddling buddy online through Facebook groups. There are tons of people looking for a paddling partner, and who knows, you might really hit it off! For a great Facebook group for SUP paddlers in the Ottawa Valley, check out this group. For an even larger group of paddlers in Ottawa, check this one out



No, we don’t mean getting out a paper map and marking off where you want to go, however, if you enjoy doing things that way, then go for it! But, if you would rather try things digitally, why not create your own paddling map with Google Maps. An easy way to stay motivated to paddle every day is to check out new waterways and routes. If you enjoy routine and want to stick to the same route every single day, feel free to! If you are anything like me, you get a thrill from exploring new places and checking out different surrounding areas. For an awesome resource on where to paddle around the city of Ottawa, check out our blog post or our paddling map



The best way to stay motivated is to set goals for yourself. This can be as simple as wanting to explore 5 different lakes in the area or paddling for at least a half-hour every day. Getting out onto the water with your kayak or SUP every single day is a huge accomplishment alone and there is no need to embark on 3-hour paddles every time you launch. Writing down your goals will help you stay motivated and accountable. It feels so good to be able to look back on those goals and strike them off while exclaiming “I DID IT!”.


I can be notorious for this one. I love my sleep, especially on the weekends when I have a chance to catch some extra z’s. However, sleeping in cuts out a large portion of daylight which in turn can make you less motivated. Getting up earlier and having a hearty breakfast, then getting out onto the water can do so much for your body, mind and soul. It can even help alleviate stress. Paddling first thing in the morning will reconnect you with nature while having a chance to clear your mind of any negative thoughts and energy. This makes you feel calm and refreshed for the rest of your day. It can also help you feel proud and victorious, and there is no stopping what else you can get done in the afternoon and evening! 



The weather is a tough one to control, because of course, we can’t control it at all. If there is a nasty storm going on outside and thunder and lightning are endangering your paddle, go ahead and sit this day out. We certainly don’t want to put you in any sort of danger. However, if there is a light sprinkle or it's just a dull, overcast day, try not to let the weather get you down! You can still enjoy a beautiful paddle in a little bit of rain. Be sure to dress properly for the weather and keep your journey short in case of an unexpected downpour. 



Want to try something new? Why not try out SUP yoga or join a kayak or paddleboarding class. There truly is no motivation quite like spending your money on a class that you don’t want to miss! These classes are so much fun and you will exercise both your body and your brain while learning the ropes of paddling or balancing on the water. You will also have a chance to meet new paddlers in your area by joining a class and maybe even find someone else who wants to paddle every day too! Do you want to try SUP yoga this year? Sign up for our classes in Arnprior starting June 15th. We also offer SUP lessons to help you perfect your paddling skills. 



The absolute best way to stay motivated to get out onto the water every day is to get excited about it! Setting an alarm that goes off with your favourite pump-up song, talking about your paddling journeys with friends, or finding new places to explore are all such fun things to do and easy ways to get excited about getting onto the water. Bring your cell phone along (in a waterproof case) and document your journey with photos so you can look back on these great memories. You never know what you might see on the water. As long as you are excited about your paddling excursions, you won’t need much more motivation than this to make sure you get out and enjoy every day on the water.



We hope you enjoyed this article and are looking forward to getting out and starting your 93-day paddling journey. We still have lots of time before summer begins and hopefully, we will even have some warm weather before it starts. This way, you can get some bonus paddles in before summer begins. These days might help fill in the gaps for bad weather days in the summer when you just can’t get out. 


Looking for more fun information on paddleboarding and tips and tricks? Be sure to keep an eye on our social media and email newsletters. We are always preparing new info for you about our favourite outdoor pastime - paddling! Enjoy the rest of your spring and get excited about this paddling adventure!

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